Analytic structure, renormalization and gauge covariance of the Schwinger-Dyson equations for QED propagator


  报告题目:Analytic structure, renormalization and gauge covariance of the Schwinger-Dyson equations for QED propagator 

  报告人:Dr. Shaoyang Jia  

   College of William and Mar 




  The spectral representation of the QED fermion propagator is closely related to the analytic structure of the propagator as functions on the com- plex momentum plane. When combined with the Ward-Green-Takahashi identity, such a representation allows the propagator Schwinger-Dyson equations to be solved directly in Minkowski space with on-shell renor- malization conditions. We further discuss truncations of the Schwinger- Dyson equations for the QED two-point functions to maintain analytic structures, loop-renormalizability conditions, and gauge covariances.